Category Archives: Payment Processors

How to Transfer Money From Payza to EgoPay

First, before you decide to transfer your money from Payza to EgoPay, it is important you keep in mind that, EgoPay does not offer withdrawal services. This means that, if you want to withdrawal your money from EgoPay, you will have to send it back to Payza.

Transfering money from Payza to EgoPay is very simple. You directly do it while you are logged in to your EgoPay account. If you do not have an EgoPay account, you can sign up or login if you already have one.

EgoPay – Payza Alternative Payment Processor for HYIP

As you are aware of the latest news from Payza is that, they will no longer be dealing with high risk websites (HYIP). This news has been long overdue since from the time Alertpay changed its name to Payza, it was obvious that things weren’t going to be the same again. The admendments of Payza’s User Agreement has excluded companies that offer “a literal rate of return” in their program.