Commission Shortcut 2 Review – Legit or Scam?

Commission Shortcut 2 is the product of Chris Frevelle and Mike Daniels. Chris Freville is known as the mega-marketer, the creator of the previous version of Commission Short Cut. If you have been in marketing for sometimes now, I am sure you may have heard about him or maybe, you may have bought the previous version.

While his first release of the Commission Shortcut was met with mixed reviews and reactions, it seems that, this time Chris Frevelle and Mike Daniels has listened to what people said and they have significantly improved on new version of Commission Shortcut 2.

What is Commission Shortcut 2 Commission Shortcut 2 is a system that shows you to how re-brand and market your affiliate links using document sharing sites. Basically, it is a complete system that comes with several e-books in various niche, shows you how to re-brand them, how to generate traffic and how to start making money through affiliate marketing by using simple shortcuts.

Commission Shortcut 2 is composed of eight steps or training modules; Overview of the system, Viral Accelerator, Commission Fire Power, Tech Free Tornado (two parts),Traffic Blitzkreig, Power Hub 1, Power Hub 2, Power Hub 3 and 4 more bonus training videos on how to create rebrandable reports by use of Commission Shortcut 2 software. Each video also comes with a PDF document.

You also get access to over 20 e-books in various niches, such as affiliate marketing, weight loss, among others. These e-books are not ordinary e-books but they can be rebranded and customized with your Clickbank and Clicksure affiliate links.

How to Make Money with Commission Shortcut 2 Making money with Commissioncut 2 is by affiliate marketing. You use the e-books to re-brand using the Commission Shortcut 2 re-brander plugin to add Clickbank and Clicksure affiliate links. The system shows you how to generate traffic and how to submit your e-books to document sharing sites (Scribd) and when people view or download your e-book, they are most likely to click on your affiliate links since whatever you will selling to them is niche related. You earn a certain commission every time you make a sale.


  • Value for money (costing $46) and you get inclusive training plus the e-books.
  • Suitable for both beginners and advanced.
  • You do not need to have a website to make money with Commission Shortcut 2 since you will be using document sharing sites.
  • You can select some of the e-books and give them as free gifts to increase your opt-in list.


  • For beginner, it may not be straight forward and it may require sometimes before you can fully understand the product and start using it to make money.
  • Upsell totalling over $500 may be a turn off to some people.
  • Possible market saturation. To avoid this, you will have to re-brand or create your own e-books and then you can use the system to submit them to document sharing sites.
  • The whole system is time consuming. It takes times to upload the documents and still, you will have to wait for your e-book to be approved on document submitting sites before it can be posted.


Commission Shortcut2 offers some of the resources (short cuts) that you need to create an effective marketing campaign but as with any other internet marketing program, Commission Shortcut 2 is not a get rich scheme and how much money you will make will depends on a number of factors and how dedicated you are in making it work for you. However, do not expect to earn the much money as indicated in a few minutes or even in months.

Is Commission Shortcut 2 Legit or Scam?

There is nothing specific that make the system scam. The system is suited to match the current trend of online marketing and with right re-branding an effective use of the system, it can be productive.

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