EPS Prosperity Hotline is a marketing company that claims to provide members with an opportunity to earn money by processing emails. Members can earn $25 for every email they process, which is directly paid to their Paypal account.
How EPS Prosperity Hotline Works?
You join EPS Prosperity Hotline and pay one time fee of $25 to get access to the training materials and a step by step guide on everything you need to do. One part of the training involves posting of pre-written ads in places like Craigslist and Facebook, every day at a particular time.
So, what happens is that your ads will be linked to your email address. If anyone contact you for more information about the ad you have posted, it will be your responsibility to followup and explain to him or her everything.
You will then earn $25 for every person who read your email and agree to join the company. The more ads you post, the more chances of earning more money.
Getting Started with EPS Prosperity Hotline
After paying for the one time fee of $25 to get access to training materials, you are also required to pay $10 to get a replicate website like the EPS Prosperity Hotline. This is the same website that you will be using to market the system to others. However, the payment of $10 is not compulsory and if you have knowledge in html, you are given the html plus images to create the website by yourself.
EPS Prosperity Hotline offers you an opportunity to earn money by processing paid emails. Though the company claims NOT to be a MLM company or a Ponzi Scheme, there are no retailable products that the EPS Prosperity Hotline is selling.
However, what makes EPS Prosperity Hotline a little bit different from other Ponzi or MLM is the fact that you are not paying any money directly to company but to the person who referred you to the company.
I am not quite sure how the company is generating extra income for themselves since the $25 is directly paid to ones Paypal account. I guess the only source of income for EPS Prosperity Hotline is through the $10 paid by those who want to receive a replicate website like EPS Prosperity Hotline. However, this is also optional.
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Get paid $5 monthly residual income directly to your Paypal account – $5 Digital Products Website.