Get Rich Radio Review – Get Paid to Listen to Radio Programs

Get Rich Radio is a radio show program by Marshall Sylver. Marshall Sylver is a motivational speaker, author and has sold over $200 million information products since 1994. He started his first radio show about three years ago, where people would listen and get rewarded. However, the show only lasted over 1 year, though he continued playing recordings. Marshall Sylver is back once again with a re-launch of his radio show, where members can get paid for listening and referring others people to listen.

Joining Get Rich Radio
Joining Get Rich Radio is free and open to members from all over the world. You can join as a free member and start earning “Scholarship Dollars” for listening and referring other people to the program.

However, if you want to get access to other special programs and enjoy special member’s privileges, you can upgrade your account, which is optional.

How to Make Money with Get Rich Radio?
As you listen to the radio shows on his websites, there are some advertisements being displayed on the website. Some of these products listed on the catalog are for sale. You will then earn “Scholarship Dollars” if someone you refer on the website purchases any of the products found on the catalog. You can also use “Scholarship Dollars” that you have earned to purchase a product.

The other ways to earn money is by referring your friends to listen to the radio shows. Marshall Sylver states he is sharing a 1/3 of his advertising revenue with his loyal followers. Every time you refer someone and that person listens to the radio show for one hour, he or she will earn “50 Scholarship Dollars”, which is equivalent to 0.10 cents. This may seems like not so much money, however, if you are able to invite a huge number of referrals, it could add up to something big.

Get Rich Radio can be a great program for those who enjoy listening to radio shows and learning new things as well as a way to earn a passive income online. You only need a computer and a stable internet connection, listen to the radio shows as you continue doing your other work and refer your friends to do the same. You can learn more about the program and how to get started by visiting Rich Radio Program Here.