M2M Machine Review – 3×6 Force Matrix Gifting Scheme

M2M Machine is a new advertising cum gifting scheme that claims by investing in one time fee of $10 and participating in the company’s 3×6 Matrix program, you will have an opportunity to earn a potential income of up to $422,760.00, upon completion of the 6 matrix levels.

Joining M2M Machine

Joining M2M Machine is free and open to members from all over the world. However, if you want to earn money, you must purchase positions or upgrade your account in different levels of the compensation plan.

M2M Machine Line of Products

M2M Machine is not offering any retailable products or services. Members join the program and purchase matrix positions that allow them to earn a certain commission on different level. They also get equivalent number of banner and text ads to advertise on the same website.

M2M Machine Compensation Plan

M2M Machine compensation plan revolves affiliate investing on matrix positions and then recruiting others to do the same. They are then paid a commission on different levels, following a 3×6 compensation plan.

A 3×6 matrix is where an affiliate  is placed on top of the structure with 3 positions directly under to form level 1. These 3 positions branch off to form 9 more positions (level 2) and so on, until the 6th level, which is composed of 729 members. These matrix positions are filled either through personal recruitment, spillover or spillunders.

  • Level 1 cost $10. You earn $30.
  • Level 2 cost $20. You earn $180

Note: You are required to have a certain number of  referrals /downline on each level in order for you to qualify.

Below is a screen shot showing the cost of each level, how much money you earn on each level, the total number of affiliates you will need in each level to qualify to move to next level and equivalent advertising credits;

M2M - Matrix - Review

M2M Machine Straight Line Force Matrix

M2m Machine is planning to launch a straight line forced matrix system. However, by the time of writing this review, there is no set date or more information on when it will be launched. This is what stated on the website; ” Want to Double your money in just minutes? M2MMachine will launch it’s Powerful Straight Line Forced Matrix-to be announced. This is 2×1 Straight Line Matrix. A Fast and Easy way to Make Money”.

M2M Machine Payment Processors and Withdrawals

M2m Machine is accepting Egopay, Paypal, Solid Trust Pay, Perfect Money and Payza. Affiliates pay each other directly to the payment processors of their choices.


M2m Machine is not offering any retailable services or products, affiliates join the program and purchase positions or upgrade their accounts in different levels by paying a specified amount of money. These matrix positions allow them to earn commission, which is paid directly from one member to the other. They are also required to recruit a certain number of affiliates in order for them to quality.

Looking at the nature of this program and considering affiliates are paying directly to each other, M2m Machine is operating a gifting cum ponzi scheme, which will only survive if there are constant sign ups of new affiliates. Otherwise, without active recruitment of paying affiliates, M2m Machine will not survive, just like what we have witnessed in other gifting schemes.

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